To complete your registration, please fill in the required fields below.

Please enter your personal activation code. This is the code sent to you by post when we invited you to use this pension platform.


Please enter the date of your birth. Format required is DD/MM/YYYY.

Please enter your National Insurance Number (NI number). If you are unsure of your NI number please contact the pension helpline on 02476 472 541.

Please enter your email address. This email address will be used as your Username and for receiving emails from the website. It is recommended that you use your personal email address.

Please re-enter your email address.

I have read and agree to the terms & conditions and cookie policy

Please enter a password. The password must be at least 10 characters long and must contain at least one of each of the following: - a capital letter (e.g. F), a lowercase letter (e.g. h) and a digit (e.g. 3) a non-alpha numeric character (e.g. @) and should not contain more than 2 identical or sequential characters in a row (e.g. 111).

Please re-enter the password. This is to check that you haven't mistyped any characters.

Please enter memorable passphrase. The memorable passphrase must be at least 6 characters long and must contain at least one of each of the following: - a capital letter (e.g. F), a lowercase letter (e.g. h) and a digit (e.g. 3) a non-alpha numeric character (e.g. @) and should not contain more than 2 identical or sequential characters in a row (e.g. 111). Please be aware spaces count as characters.

Please re-enter the memorable passphrase. This is to check that you haven’t mistyped any characters.